Discover Gaspard Mariotte at the AiRT DE FAMILLE Festival

Discover our exclusive interview with Gaspard Mariotte, Conducted by Metronomi !

Originally from Lyon, Gaspard Mariotte has been a freelance artist for six years. Specialising in illustration and large-format painting, he creates frescoes for town halls, businesses and private individuals, as well as illustrations for agencies. Gaspard Mariotte often works in public spaces, while developing his own personal creations. Using a variety of techniques including watercolour, acrylic, ink and digital painting, Gaspard Mariotte draws his inspiration from the elements that surround him in everyday life. He observes architecture, people, experiences and the photographs he takes, then filters these impressions through his unique graphic style. His works, which he exhibits regularly, reflect this artistic approach.

At the AiRT DE FAMILLE festival, Gaspard Mariotte has used some of AERPANEL’s products. Watch this video interview to immerse yourself in his artistic world and discover his unique creative process.

We’re proud to support artists like Gaspard Mariotte and to contribute to some superb creations (and projects) with our products. Thanks to Gaspard Mariotte for his participation, but also to Omart, Métronomi, and the AiRT DE FAMILLE festival.